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In Photoshop I often used the technique of selecting an area (eg of burnt out sky) and then moving that selection (simply by dragging) onto a different image.  The selection could be moved and then a portion of the second image could be cut and pasted back into image number one that would precisely fit the original selection.  (I hope this is clear - the actual process was simple and very fast.)

This doesn't seem possible in Affinity Photo - I can "Save" a selection and "Load"  it to a different image but it appears it cannot be  re-positioned.  Is what I want possible?  Thanks in advance.

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Hi martifingers
Welcome to the forum.
I'm afraid that's not possible (at the moment) in AF.
Instead, with your selection active, add a mask.
Invert the mask.
File > place your second image, and drag it behind the first image.
Use the move tool to (re)position it.


Affinity Photo  2.3.1

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13 hours ago, martifingers said:

I can "Save" a selection and "Load"  it to a different image but it appears it cannot be  re-positioned.

You can at least cut&paste into a new file and use the Move-tool (V) on the pasted portion.


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