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Simple Question - Does AP have 'recent document' thumbnails, like PPX9

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Pageplus X9 shows recently used documents with a visual thumbnail representation, that has been an absolute time-saver, and has had a massive 'ease of use' benefit for me in that last five years. Someone comes to me and ask for prints of a document that i have worked on in the last 30 days, and I know that i can find it in a flash, because I can 'see' it as a thumbnail - so much easier than just a text list or having to trawl through searches and folders in a vast filing system.

Is this something that Affinity Publisher has, or if not, is it a planned feature?

Would anyone else agree that this is good to have?

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My experience is that if you have edited or created a file in the application it will show  an image if you have thumbnails view selected, it does not show files opened in the application but closed without saving or changing eg svg files


Alan Pickup

Windows 11 Home all Affinity suite of Apps PC and Gigabyte Laptop 16gb Ram and Nvidia GTX1660 Super on each.

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this image of the PageplusX9 feature will clear up any ambiguity as to what I'm meaning - this sort of thing - although I'm sure the AP version would look more 'pro'

Its part of the 'Startup Assistant' so maybe some will feel that this is too 'amatuer' a feature - but all i can say it is something I thank serif for regularly [ albeit in secret - they never hear me ] - it's SUCH a time saver


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What makes this good [in my opinion] is that it pulls together all the recent PP documents, no matter where they may be in a large filing system of many types of documents, topics, folders, subfolders - it lays them before you so you can pull them up very quickly. Fantastic if you have a boss, manager or client who just walks in and requires a print [or a change] quickly - all your relevant DTP documents are right before you - wonderful


So . . . the question remains   -   does Affinity Publisher have this feature?

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