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i tutor affinity photo in a learning centre for seniors [55+years] after 8 years tutoring pse and now 2 years af photo. to help members [now numbering 10 in our on going group] i have numbered subjects in v1.6 1 to 24 eg RAW  is 8 and the sub panels are also numbered so images, gathered from videos with Pnt sc, procedure notes from D Straker and Cut through the fog and my own are so numbered to refer to the video viewed on line. we work through the subject using the material ie image and notes and all material is on the Diskstation so members can copy for use at home. tutorials are at level 1 and 2 for newbies and level 3 for advanced 'special group' members. our tutorials appear to be the only available centre in NZ. my query - now v 1.7  is available are the present groups ie Basic, Advanced etc to be the only ones or will new groups be introduced as the number of videos grows? i ask because i want to organize v1.7 in a similar fashion to v1.6.                              all our members much appreciate Aff Photo for its quality and presentation, hence the number remaining in the group. we would appreciate being able to access the original image and also notes on the proccedure. [i havent found a reliable Voice to Text app]

regards, keep up the excellent work, especially James Ritson

djh [dave helas]

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11 hours ago, djh said:

i tutor affinity photo in a learning centre for seniors [55+years] after 8 years tutoring pse and now 2 years af photo. to help members [now numbering 10 in our on going group] i have numbered subjects in v1.6 1 to 24 eg RAW  is 8 and the sub panels are also numbered so images, gathered from videos with Pnt sc, procedure notes from D Straker and Cut through the fog and my own are so numbered to refer to the video viewed on line. we work through the subject using the material ie image and notes and all material is on the Diskstation so members can copy for use at home. tutorials are at level 1 and 2 for newbies and level 3 for advanced 'special group' members. our tutorials appear to be the only available centre in NZ. my query - now v 1.7  is available are the present groups ie Basic, Advanced etc to be the only ones or will new groups be introduced as the number of videos grows? i ask because i want to organize v1.7 in a similar fashion to v1.6.                              all our members much appreciate Aff Photo for its quality and presentation, hence the number remaining in the group. we would appreciate being able to access the original image and also notes on the proccedure. [i havent found a reliable Voice to Text app]

regards, keep up the excellent work, especially James Ritson

djh [dave helas]

Hi Dave helas,

Thank you for your kind words and support :) 

We are likely to introduce more categories as the number of videos increases however I can't say for certain just yet.



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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