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open files are upside down.

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Hi Christian,

Would you be able to zip up and attach some of the files that this is happening with? Zipping up will avoid the forum interfering with the files and will ensure we get the exact same files you have!

Do you have any information on the source of the PNG files, i.e what program created them or where you got them from?


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1 hour ago, ChristianBohl said:

the Reset of the USER DATA (user data dialog "hold ctrl while launching the application" ) is the solution. After that, the pictures look right again.

There will be something inside your user data that has caused that, so whilst this is a way to get going again it might be that you will encounter it again. If you do encounter it again, before doing the Ctrl run up, could you get a copy of your User Data (just zip up the folder) please so we can investigate and look into what might be causing the issue? This can be found in the following location:

Mac App Store version:

Affinity Store version:
Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/Affinity Designer/


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  • 2 months later...

Sadly, I just experienced the very same issue.

I am running Version 1.7.3 of Affinity Designer on a Mac running 10.14.6

Any thought has to how I can get this fixed?


---- eventually managed to get the ctrl-reset thing to work. first click on icon to launch and followed immediately by clicking the "ctrl" key. Clicking it while launching didn't work for me.

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  • 2 months later...

Was this ever resolved?

I am having the same problem with files opening upside down. This files was made in Affinity Photo.
I have provided a screenshot of the open file in AP showing it upside down after re-opening.
 I have also provided the exported jpg that is correct, right side up.
Thanks for your help.



Edited by Damion
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Hi Damion,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
Can you please follow the instructions posted by Sean P in his post above so we can investigate/get to the bottom of the issue? I'm assuming you are using a Mac. Please zip the mentioned folders as indicated in his post - they differ depending if you bought the application in the Mac App Store or on the Affinity Store - then upload it to the forum or use a cloud service to store the zip and share a link with us. Also zip the file that appears upside down for you and upload/share it with us as well. With those files we should be able to fix this issue. 

After doing the above, open the offending file, go to menu View > Reset Rotation. This should fix the upside down issue for that document.


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  • 4 months later...

I'm having a similar issue with .tga files. After saving a file in upright position, once its reopened it is upside down. 

The above post doesn't have any affect and I don't have the "library" folder mentioned. I am on Windows.

Edited by Rufio2031
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