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Another Crash on save

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Hi, I have crashes when try to save this file. It´s open right, but crashes on save! Sometimes crashes after a time working on it.

I try to open it into Publisher for MAC too, same behaviour. I try to open without the linked files too, same crash.

The file I upload is without the linked files, that doesn´t make any diferences for crashes it they exist or not.

So, the problem is in TOC or Master Pages, I suspect.

From now, I can´t work into this job!




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Was this file created from scratch in the beta? Or I assume it was saving alright in the beta for a bit before this happened? Were you using .422 build?

From what I can see, the problem seems to be the frame on page 77. If I delete this frame the file saves correctly.

I'm still looking into this and will get it logged, but I'm curious if this was fine and happened by using the file in the beta, as I was hoping we had fixed the couple of recipes to get files into this "state", and the key is going to be reproducing how this happened.

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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The frame on page 77 contains embedded documents that aren't being displayed, do you know how these got there? They are crashing the app when I interact with them and seem corrupt.

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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Hi! I See!

I'm using the latest Beta because I have a problem using textwrap (lags)  with the Oficial version of Publish.

I don´t know how these objects are into the frame! I remember that I copied the frame from another page, delete and delete these pinned images! Maybe Publisher dont erase it from frame, keep an instance or part of it. By the way, these linked files are from older versions of Affinity Photo, I hope that are from version 1.5. Because I using Affinity from the first versions, and I have some old files done into Affinity Family.

I copied the frame to another new file and the not displayed objects are removed automatically and now works!

I delete the frame from original file and save to another location, now is working!


PS: Another chance of problem is: I'm working with all files, included the publisher files and linked files into synced Onedrive folder. It´s only a suspect that while onedrive is loading and synced a file with the cloud at same time that Affinity is writing into this file, cause an error. Maybe, I don´t know!

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Thanks for all the info, it should hopefully help us reproduce what happened, as the fix here will be us preventing the objects getting corrupted (like what happened).

If you see this again (especially in the beta, because we had fixed some bugs that allowed this to happen, but apparently not all of them) let us know

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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