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I need assistance or enlightenment in working on the Discovery project.

No problem in making the Mid, Foreground, Element and Astronaut layers.

Creating the light beam, Pen Tool (selected Element layer) no problem.  Renamed the curve layer to Light beam.

Select Paint Brush Tool, painted white 69% Opacity. Clip the brush layer to Light beam’s layer, no problem.

As stated, to give smoke natural look, change the blend mode to Overlay. This is my first problem, totally removes all visible smoke. I had to return to Normal mode to see any smoke.

Second problem, instructions state use Ease Brush tool, using same brush to give natural look; however, this adds a Mask layer, not to be found in instructions.

I will attach screen shot of progress and mask layer.  As seen, I changed from Overlay to Normal blend mode to see color.

Thank you for any info, corrections or user error in following Workbook instructions.

Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at 11.54.24 AM.png


iMac Retina 5K, 27”, 2019. 3.6 GHz Intel Core 9, 40 GB Memory DDR4, Radeon Pro 580X 8 GB, macOS,iPad Pro iPadOS


Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection 

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On 7/12/2019 at 5:03 PM, Cecil said:

As stated, to give smoke natural look, change the blend mode to Overlay. This is my first problem, totally removes all visible smoke. I had to return to Normal mode to see any smoke.

It is there, just very lightly.  If you set the blend mode to Overlay and then turn it off, you'll see the area change.

On 7/12/2019 at 5:03 PM, Cecil said:

this adds a Mask layer, not to be found in instructions.


That would happen if you still have the paint brush selected.  Select the Erase Tool and then on the Brushes panel make sure you have the Smoke brush selected and then start using the brush.  This shouldn't create a mask but start softening the area of the smoke :) 

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8 hours ago, stokerg said:

It is there, just very lightly.  If you set the blend mode to Overlay and then turn it off, you'll see the area change.

That would happen if you still have the paint brush selected.  Select the Erase Tool and then on the Brushes panel make sure you have the Smoke brush selected and then start using the brush.  This shouldn't create a mask but start softening the area of the smoke :) 

I guess it"s me, as I tried several times.  No mask this time around, nothing to erase. Thanks, I will give it a rest, return when blood pressure returns to normal. 


iMac Retina 5K, 27”, 2019. 3.6 GHz Intel Core 9, 40 GB Memory DDR4, Radeon Pro 580X 8 GB, macOS,iPad Pro iPadOS


Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection 

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