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What Happened to the Resources?

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Hi Hilltop,
That's not an official Serif website but a private one (my own) I have setup to help users find resources/information about the program in the early days. With all changes made to the programs and Forums structure some of these links/resources are now outdated. I will have to remove them and or update those that are still relevant today. Sorry for the mess.

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Thanks for the update and thanks for the helpful service you do for this community. 

I know that the page is not Affinity's but many of the links point towards Affinity's website and it seems that it has removed all resources. Why is that? 

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  • Staff

Some of the links were pointing to our old Blog pages on the official Serif website which were now removed and replaced by the new Affinity Spotlight website. Those are not available anymore.

Links to resources on the forum are still active but the url is now different due to the to the changes/restructure we have made (to a new subdomain). See example link below for the differences. The forum part has now its subdomain - in the beginning of the url after the protocol bit (https://).

OLD links (on my website): http://affinity.serif.com/forum/index.php?/topic/12486-basic-letterpress-embossing-layer-styles/
the current working link:  https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/12486-basic-letterpress-embossing-layer-styles/

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Thank you for the Spotlight link, Miguel, there's quite some interesting stuff there.

I'm searching for app resources because I find them useful as importing and playing with them help me get a better feel for Affinity's apps. A resource page on Affinity's website with samples would be quite helpful. 


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