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Publisher/Designer/Photo crashes when exporting PDF

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I have a Affinity Publisher document with just one word inside.

When selecting Export > PDF, Publishers crashes instantly during the calculation of the size of the document. This is with ALL actual Affinity programs, like Photo and Designer. I also tried the actual Publisher Beta and got the same results.

As some side information, there is one font inside especially one special style hat produces this error. The font creates no trouble when I just use Mac TextEdit or Adobe InDesign and create a PDF out of it. I already informed the type foundry about the problem with the font so that they can check about.

Anyway, if there is something with the font, it would be a good idea, if Affinity would print out an error or something and don’t crash, because it was a lot of work to find out, what exactly triggered the crash. :-)

I attached the crash report. I really would like to attach the AP document here and also the font, but the license of the font restricts it to give it away. :-(

Affinity Crash Report.txt

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