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How to recreate the 'Displacement' feature

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Working in graphic design, creating mockups for clients is a critical part of the business process. 

I have seen on youtube tutorials that those who use photoshop can insert vector images, but those images react to the underlying raster image. I believe the term is displacement.

Looking closely at the image below, you can notice that the white goes dark toward the center, and its reacting to the background image making it more photo-realistic.


I've been messing around with it for a while now and I can't seem to figure it out. Does anybody know? Thanks



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My man, thank you PixelPost! For your question, no I did not, lol. I tried google-ing it, and youtube searches using keyword 'Affinity Designer' in it... ¬¬

It seems I may have to add on AP to get the results I need. I appreciate it dude!


Edit: Just went and got Affinity Photo. Thanks again

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