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Thanks @Pattou. Looking at it on my desktop now, I see a few areas I would do differently, but the color isn't one of them --- especially the background colors.

Maybe changing the texture on the background will make me like it better. What do you think? (That question is open to any takers.)

5 hours ago, Pattou said:

I like all the colours of your image and they well fit together. If I had to change something it would be the kind of circular shadows in the flower (they are too regular) but they are tied to the texture you used for blending... if the resolution allows it, increasing the size of the texture image ?

Perhaps . . . here is one of the two images I used for texture. Might be kind of hard to remove the rings. The part that causes me the most "eye pain" though is the outer part of the light area. I adds a lot of texture, but extends beyond the edges of the petals. Tried masking it out, but wasn't pleased with the results.


7 hours ago, Pattou said:

... and if you remove this texture and/or create your own pixel layer with texture brushes ?

. . . or perhaps use some texture brushes to alter the parts that don't work?


So, while working on the above image, I run across an idea of using "blend-if" to create luminosity masks. I figure I'll give it a whirl.

I'll post the original image (reduced size of course, and crop a bit different) and then the image with the "blend-if" luminosity adjustment (and a bit of sharpening) to show the results. While I'm not as accurate yet (don't really get the blend if in Affinity photo, more familiar with Paintshop still), I think the results of the experiment were rather good.

First image is the original, second is after luminosity masking applied.




For luminosity colour adjustment try this:

#1  Black & White Adjustment layer

#2  Set the blend mode to Luminosity 

That'll bring back the colour then use the colour sliders of the B & W Adjustment to alter the image colour saturation (painting on the mask to localise as required of course).  

4 hours ago, PedroOfOz said:

For luminosity colour adjustment try this:

#1  Black & White Adjustment layer

#2  Set the blend mode to Luminosity 

That'll bring back the colour then use the colour sliders of the B & W Adjustment to alter the image colour saturation (painting on the mask to localise as required of course).  

Yes, or if you have a blown out color (some reds / magentas for example) straight out of the camera, look at the channels (and for red / magenta it is often the blue channel) and use that channel as a black and white layer above the image. Then apply luminosity blend mode, adjust transparency as needed until the color becomes what you want. Mask as needed as it will affect other colors.

2 minutes ago, Pattou said:

Interesting but can't you achieve this with curves ? I don't have time to experiment.

Not really able to do so satisfactorily. Curves do help, but I was never happy with it. I'll post an example shortly.

Anyhow, I think I improved the image I started this thread with. To some extent, I wanted some of the rings (that's why I  chose the original textures, but indeed they were too much.

It isn't finished, but I think I'm getting closer.

DSCF0048_circles removed.jpg


Yes, when I've achieved a bit more "cleanup" of the offending textures, I'll probably do a merged layer and then work with some luminosity adjustments. I dabbled with it earlier, but the results were not consistent across the board, so I think it will be one of the last adjustments I make.


The first example is the blown out pic from my Nikon L340 with no adjustments.

In the second example, I have roughly masked out the single rose I want to modify and applied a curves adjustment to knock down some of the blown out color.

In the third example, I have added a layer for luminosity adjustment. I made a greyscale copy of the blue chanel and used the luminosity blend mode, adjusting opacity to where I am beginning to like it.

If I were to finish the image, there would be some brightness/contrast adjustments made to the blue channel greyscale image in order to get the color just right.

Now the rose is closer to the color and look my eyes saw that attracted me to the image to begin with.




13 minutes ago, Pattou said:

Nice ;) I would try a bit of sharpness.

Yes, but it was just a quick example of the effect I get from using the method of adding a channel to tone down a blown out red. Since I love roses, I take lots of pictures of them when I can. When I would get them in Paintshop Pro or Aftershot (Corel's equivalent of lightroom) I could never tone down the reds/magentas enough to make the image look like what I shot.

You can also use the same method to reinforce a color that even curves and HSL won't do. We have one rose bush at Centennial Park that when photographed it often looks washed out, even orange tinted. The color in the photo is pretty, but not like the original. Instead of grabbing the blue channel though, I used the red channel. Can't remember whether I invert it or not, but it kicks up the reds so that they more closely resemble the original.

I can't find it on my computer, but here is where I is on my 500px account: https://500px.com/photo/231906517/a-rose-by-any-other-name-by-colbert-cook?ctx_page=3&from=user&user_id=23042321

As you'll easily be able to tell, I've learned a bit since starting this, and Affinity is giving me a bit better results than Paintshop Pro and Aftershot were. Sometimes it almost looks like I know what I'm doing.


My brothers both have accounts there and encouraged me to join. It was free (limited membership) and I'm a cheapskate. I also allows me to look at the galleries of those who may like or comment on my images. That has been a good learning experience for me.

On the other hand, I stay away from the "new", "upcoming", and "popular" topics. Too much "art" that (IMO) is often little more than soft porn.

On 7/13/2019 at 11:26 AM, Pattou said:

Very nice pictures in your gallery. I will deeply look into it... :) If I may, why did you choose "500px" (personal interest).

BTW, any suggestions as to a better option . . . perhaps one that might get more views? Thx.

  • 3 weeks later...

Learning a bit about channels, layers, etc.

Still working on selections and cleaning them up. Need a bit more patience but getting there with the images. As a country boy, I'm used to seeing cicada exoskeletons on trees, benches, or wherever they decide to exit them. Cicadas live for years underground then burrow to the surface and burst out of his exoskeleton and flies away.

What's funny is when I see how some of my city friend react the first time they see one. I'm pretty sure they think they see something like this:


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