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I made a document with black Typo in CMYK. Defined color like: 0/0/0100 and exportes as PDF X4. Opened for Preflight in Acrobat and black is shown: 86/85/79/100.

What can i do that the color i define ist the same in the PDF?

I tried all Options and there is always the same mistake

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Hi designenergie and Welcome to the Forums,

Which app is this for?  Can you attach the .afpub/afdesign or .afphoto file?

I just tested this using Publisher, then checked in Acrobat and as you can see in the attached screenshot my text is showing as K100

Screenshot 2019-07-10 at 09.34.20.png

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Hi joerg,

As the eps file was linked, i'm working with a cached preview of it in the afpub file.  Can you attach the .eps file for the logo and that way i know i'm working with the actual eps file and not a preview of it :) 

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Thanks for the file :) 

Couple of things here, looks like we are assigning a wrong colour profile to the EPS (which i'll need to log) but if you double click the logo which will open it on it's own window.  Now click on Document Setup and on the Colour tab set this to match the profile of your main document (Euroscale Uncoated v2) and then make sure all the black items are K100.  Now close this and the main file will be updated.  If you export this and open it Acrobat, bring up the Output Preview and disable Simulate Overprint and you should find everything is now K100.

As the black curve is covering up some red, Acrobat is simulating the overprint some print and will report black and yellow.  Disable overprinting and it should just show as 100K.  Really it would be better to edit the EPS file and remove the items that are being covered up.

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