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Hi everyone.

I don't know how can I translate this feature in english, so please excuse me it's already asked.

I explain myself. Sometimes, inside a text, I can have 2 colors (black and white generally) and I want to overprint the black text only over the background (in french, I say that I want to avoid the "défonce", it's mean that I want to avoid the white text on the background below the black text). It's a problem only if I have 2 colors (or more) inside my text because if not I can use "Multiply" effect on the layer in order to obtain the same result. You can understand why it's a issue when I have a white text.

Am I clear?


Capture d’écran 2019-07-08 à 18.31.53.png


Yes indeed I didn't think about this. But it's doesn't work.

I create a new color, I check the "Overprinting" option, I choose this color to my text, but I still have the white text below (it's not overprinted).


So ”Overprint” is set by color swatch (globals).

However you also need to uncheck ”Overprint Black” in PDF export settings (the ”More” button), for Affinity to respect my settings completely.

9 minutes ago, Neoziox said:

Yes indeed I didn't think about this. But it's doesn't work.

I create a new color, I check the "Overprinting" option, I choose this color to my text, but I still have the white text below (it's not overprinted).

Maybe it depends on your export settings(?) Choose PDF/X-1a.


My mistake. I watched the CMYB seperation with Affinity Photo (by StudioLink) and, by this way, I didn't see the modification. I still have InDesign's automatisms.

Just now, Mofab said:

Maybe it depends on your export settings(?) Choose PDF/X-1a.

Also if you have only the slightest percent of other colors, that percentage will have priority over the background.


I just discovered there's a ”Soft Proof” Adjustment layer.

Unfortunately it does not show overprint. I think it should. (feature request)(and it should be in the view menu – not an adjustment layer – that's just awkward)

1 hour ago, Mofab said:

I just discovered there's a ”Soft Proof” Adjustment layer.

Unfortunately it does not show overprint. I think it should. (feature request)(and it should be in the view menu – not an adjustment layer – that's just awkward)

Where I found this "Soft Proof" option?

6 minutes ago, Neoziox said:

I export:

  • PDF/X-1a
  • Overprint black option
  • some text with only black and some with the black with overprinting option

-> Don't work too :(

”Overprint Black” shall be unchecked. Otherwise all black gets overprint.


It is reported as bug for the mac beta v420:
In PDF 1.7 (print preset) black does NOT overprint at any setting.
In PDF/X-3 it works according to the setting.


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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