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Open or import PagePlus PPP files ?

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Hi Derry,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
Affinity Publisher doesn't support PagePlus .ppp files. You have to export your documents in PagePlus to PDF and then import them in Publisher. There's no feature/functionality parity with the old PagePlus so even with a dedicated importer quite a few things would have to be be left out since there wasn't way/features to translate to in Publisher.

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Please note I am not a Serif employee but I know the answer to your question is that any importer to allow conversion of PP files to AfPub format is extremely  unlikely, for the reasons that @MEB gave above.

For a more detailed discussion of this, including the definitive Serif reply, please see this thread.


Win 10 Pro, i7 6700K, 32Gb RAM, NVidia GTX1660 Ti and Intel HD530 Graphics

Long-time user of Serif products, chiefly PagePlus and PhotoPlus, but also WebPlus, CraftArtistProfessional and DrawPlus.  Delighted to be using Affinity Designer, Photo, and now Publisher, version 1 and now version 2.

iPad Pro (12.9") (iOS 17.4) running Affinity Photo and Designer version 1 and all three version 2 apps.

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Thanks Arun, appreciate your feedback.

I see there has been a lot of discussion on this, and Serif have resolutely refused to accept that they are upsetting a lot of very loyal long-term Page Plus customers by abandoning the legacy products

 ...  which are what built them the reputation they are now depending on to sell Affinity. 

I'm beginning to feel like I should have saved my money ! :-)

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4 minutes ago, Derry said:

by abandoning the legacy products

Where have you got this idea from? Serif may abandon them sometime in the future, but there have been no suggestions of abandoning them at present.


Windows 11, Affinity Photo 2.4.2 Designer 2.4.2 and Publisher 2.4.2 (mainly Photo).

CPU: Intel Core i5 8500 @ 3.00GHz. RAM: 32.0GB  DDR4 @ 1063MHz, Graphics: 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

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@Derry @Arun Sarkar

IMO there is a world of difference between a manufacturer deciding that any product or products should "no longer be developed" but still be willing to offer at least some of them for sale, and the statement made earlier in this thread that those products are now being "abandoned".


Win 10 Pro, i7 6700K, 32Gb RAM, NVidia GTX1660 Ti and Intel HD530 Graphics

Long-time user of Serif products, chiefly PagePlus and PhotoPlus, but also WebPlus, CraftArtistProfessional and DrawPlus.  Delighted to be using Affinity Designer, Photo, and now Publisher, version 1 and now version 2.

iPad Pro (12.9") (iOS 17.4) running Affinity Photo and Designer version 1 and all three version 2 apps.

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14 hours ago, emmrecs01 said:

@Derry @Arun Sarkar

IMO there is a world of difference between a manufacturer deciding that any product or products should "no longer be developed" but still be willing to offer at least some of them for sale, and the statement made earlier in this thread that those products are now being "abandoned".


Despite offering PagePlus, PhotoPlus and DrawPlus for sale at a bargain price they still offer support via their CommunityPlus site — and even through email responses to support tickets where appropriate — so the word “abandoned” seems particularly out of place here.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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12 minutes ago, Derry said:

they do not seem to be to be carrying their PageP.us users forward with them into the new era of Affinity. 

Au Contraire!!  I believe I'm only one of many former PP users who have willingly made the transition to the whole Affinity suite.  Yes, it is somewhat "inconvenient" that direct import of PP files to Publisher is not possible (without the intermediate stage of export to pdf) but, in my case, I have not so far found this to be a problem.  9_9


Win 10 Pro, i7 6700K, 32Gb RAM, NVidia GTX1660 Ti and Intel HD530 Graphics

Long-time user of Serif products, chiefly PagePlus and PhotoPlus, but also WebPlus, CraftArtistProfessional and DrawPlus.  Delighted to be using Affinity Designer, Photo, and now Publisher, version 1 and now version 2.

iPad Pro (12.9") (iOS 17.4) running Affinity Photo and Designer version 1 and all three version 2 apps.

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  • 2 years later...

Has anyone tried Importing PP made PDF files, such as PDF-X1a  book files, into Affinity, and if so, how did it work out for you?

I've been authoring with PPX9 for ages now, have a series of books published that sometimes need to be updated. So "starting again" is definitely not an option for me! 


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