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tools switching oddities

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Hi, seeing some weird oddities at the moment —
MacOS 10.14.5 // iMac // AD 1.7.1

Working on some graphics across 3-5 artboards — sporadically, the tools switching stops working. I have not figured out any pattern as in when this happens, what could be triggering it or anything that causes it.
When it happens, I am stuck with the move/hand tool and nothing works to switch tools: keyboard shortcuts show on toolbar that icon is switched, yet cursor+function remains on move tool. Clicking tools on toolbar with cursor results in the very same. Tried hitting ESC, tried swithcing 'edit all layers' on and off, tried switching artboards / layers / personas ... sometimes random clicking/switching works to get tools to switch again, other times it does not. Closing file and opening it back up again is mostly the only reliable way to get back to work again.

Been working on various files, single or multiple artboards - same behaviour. Currently, it's bearable as I can close/open my file - but it's slow going when it happens a lot. Have done all sorts of clearing of cache etc as well... nothing seems to be a premanent fix so thought I'd better report this.

an additional error keeps happening when switching between 2-3 open files: black colour blocks, see screenshot attached


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I also noticed that inability to switch tools from the View Tool; I had to quit to fix it. I don't know if it's related, but in Affinity Photo, sometimes the cursor doesn't update when changing tools, or the Move Tool or Node Tool will get selected, but clicking another tool eventually fixes it.

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Thanks for adding to this, StevenR.

I'm here just to report back — 2 days later and the issue is getting worse. The tool freeze/hang now happens more frequently, still without rhyme or reason. By now, I am no longer trying to 'escape' the error and get my tool active, I simply close/save file and open it again. Very tedious but seems the quickest way around...

I tend to have quite large files, and was worried it was file size/weight that needed too much CPU or something - but the files I am working on vary between 5-35MB at the moment, with a maximum of 8 artboards so far. Don't think the size is an issue...

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Hi both,

Sorry for the delayed reply. 

Can you please try this:

Close Designer . Open Finder. Go > Go to Folder >  ~/Library/Containers/com.seriflabs.affinitydesigner/Data/Library/Application Support/ and rename user to user.backup. Reopen Designer.



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Thanks, Gabe — tried that - and it seems ok so far.
Only trouble is I've lost assets I'd created and which I'm using for a current project.

As I don't know how to get just those back, had to put my old user setting back. Will do export etc and then get new user settings generated again.
Will keep you posted on how I get on.

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ok - did that whole thing again — exported my assets, closed AD, same procedure to rename user..
reopen and work.... already happening again, then importet my assets, all seemed ok for a little while... and again.

so my routine is that on frozen hand/move tool, I save and close file - reopen to get back to work.
very frustrating at the moment...


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