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problems while open certain pdf

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Hello, I have old books that I've converted to pdf (for personal use only) with AbbyFineReader 14. I have some problems when opening these pdf files with Affinity Publisher. When I open the pdf file with Adobe Reader (screenshot attached), it shows me exactly the right way, but when I try to open it with Publisher, it's interesting that letters are black as well as the background no matter what color space I choose (GRAY, RGB, CMYK). I mention that I used AbbyFineReader 14 to scan and edit the pages in the books and then convert them to pdf. I attach the two files, pdf and the resulting file from Publisher. Is there any way I can open it just like in Adobe Reader ?



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Hi Adirusf - there are some strange things about this PDF. On page 4, which seems to have a white background, there are in fact 2 images which fill the page - one is white and the other is black. The white one is above the black one which is why you can't see it. Maybe these have come from the OCR package. It looks like the Affinity programs have put these 2 layers at the top rather than at the bottom. It's also possible the PDF made by Abbyy FyneReader is faulty in some way. Page 4 also seems to contain the original scanned page as well as the text. I think a lot of software would struggle with this file.

Windows 10 Pro, I5 3.3G PC 16G RAM

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Thank you for your response, I've attached the 5 steps I follow (order of screenshot from down to up) after each scan of the pages (with AbbyFineReader 14). The purpose is not to compare Affinity Publisher with Adobe Indesign, but if I import the same pdf file, the view result is the correct one . I learned the steps I must follow in A.P. to print a booklet but now I'm getting the problem of importing pdf files. But it's not a big deal, just testing, I'll find another solution and for sure I can survive without  it.:)











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I've found the solution I'm looking for, so after editing the pages in Abbyfinereader 14, I export each scanned page individually in png, then in Affinity Publisher I import png pages with Picture Frame. Now I can print in booklet mode. So happy... :x Affinity Publisher.

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