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Designer 1.7.1 crashing after start

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I upgraded my Affinity Designer to version 1.7.1 and now every time I start the application it crashes right after the UI apear.

It behave like this:

1- Select icon on windows start screen

2- Splash screen apear showing "loading fonts"

3- UI appear over splash screen and other windows.

4- "Puft" UI and splash screen desapear without any trace, no message box, no sound, nothing.

But, when I open an image "open with" and select the Affinity Designer it work.

What could it be?? 

My OS is Windows 10.

Edited by Haddadrr
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Hi Mark,

It didn't worked but something different happened, the EULA page appeared but the it crashed again, and in the %\AppData\Roaming\Affinity\Designer\  appeared another folder \1.0. 

now it has two folders the one I renamed and the other created by the application.

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Hi Haddadrr,

The behaviour you saw after renaming that folder is correct - it doesn't know where to find your settings so recreates them and you have to agree to the EULA again.

It sounds like the application is crashing when it attempts to view the Welcome Screen. Could you go into the %APPDATA%\Affinity\Designer\1.0 and attach a zipped copy of the CrashReports\Reports folder please?

Do you use any form of Firewall/Antivirus software that you could temporarily disable and see if that improves things? Failing that try disconnecting your machine from the internet and see if that stops the software from crashing.

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