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Crash for no obvious reason

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I have been using publisher since beta and now have the latest version, running on windows which is aslo the latest version. Sometimes publisher simply disappears from my screen and has to be opened again. often but not always it offers a recovery file which does not include my last actions. I cannot tell you what action provokes the crash as it seems to be random but always as as i make a key stroke. This happens with different projects. I have an upto date computer with a fast proccessor and lots of RAM. very frustrating!

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Hi phil,

The crashes are all related to text, so the fact it happens when you make a keystroke is probably a clue, I've asked the developers to see if they can get anything else from it to help us troubleshoot it.

Lieven, can you reproduce the crash you are experiencing, or is it random? If you can reproduce it it might be useful to see your file so I can have a go at reproducing it. Things like this are a lot easier to fix if we can reproduce them internally.


Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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the crash is random and has occured a few times (4 or 5 times) during scrolling. One time, after reopening, i was asked to recover, the other times  no recovery was offered.

First i thought it could be a specific page when scrolling, but it's not the case. I can scroll through the document without a crash most of the times? 

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Can you attach crash reports? My post above has the location, there might be some information in them.

Also if you upload your file I'll see if I have any luck reproducing it

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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Also crashing at random. 

But this morning it crashes on File Open.  Every time.   Please HELP !  I'm in the middle of a critical quality control document for our company.

Pretty worried, I may need to try and recover from a (hopeful) incremental backup.... ugh.

The uploader failed twice with the attached 18Mb .zip,  worked the 3rd time, FYI.

Casegood Quality Guide.zip



UPDATE: --------------------

I was able to open the .afpub on my Mac, fix a few broken links, and re-save as a new version.  I hope it's not crashing exclusively for missing resources... that seems Brittle.  Please let me know.  However, Publisher Windows STILL crashes attempting to open either file.

Edited by Sef Pinney Design
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@Sef Pinney Design I think your file got effected by a bug where if an images dimensions are edited externally after being inserted it can cause the app to get confused with what's in resource manager and the actual dimensions of the image. I believe you were able to open it on the Mac because it was missing the image(s) this happened to. If you move the images to a different folder on Windows and re-open the file it should open but prompt for missing images, and you can re-link them.

@Lieven No luck reproducing a crash yet but I'll continue to see if I can reproduce it. In my mean time if you get any more crashes please check to see if a crash report is generated and attach it if so

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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Another crash, after opening only scrolling the document, no other actions

Update: when all grafics are embedded, no crash when scrolling. When grafics are linked, crash offen occurs during scrolling….

It also seems that when you wait after opening the "linked grafics" document (fi. 3 minutes) you can scroll, even fast, without crash... When you scroll immediatly after opening, a crash occures.



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@Jon P 

Alright, I will look into that.   It would be best if Resource Manager read Pixel dims from Explorer meta-data, then don't you think?  Also, it REALLY needs to compare File Modified tags, b/c I think it's getting lots of false positive "file changes."   

So, I think Resource Manager has two issues that may be compounding this.  It's wrong about File changes, AND it freaks out when an Image has been resized externally, AND possibly crashing when it's also a missing link.

Please see my other thread: resource manager spamming me...  

Please let me know. I will fix all the broken links and see what happens.

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@Jon PAlright, I will look into that.   It would be best if Resource Manager read Pixel dims from Explorer meta-data, then don't you think?  Also, it REALLY needs to compare File Modified tags, b/c I think it's getting lots of false positive "file changes."   

So, I think Resource Manager has two issues that may be compounding this.  It's wrong about File changes, AND it freaks out when an Image has been resized externally, AND possibly crashing when it's also a missing link.

Please see my other thread: resource manager spamming me...  

Please let me know. I will fix all the broken links and see what happens.

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If both of you can use the new beta that is out we should have fixed the issue that allows the resource manager to get confused and prevent these crashes.

If you re-link in the new beta @Lieven and still get these crashes can you let me know and I'll continue to look into this

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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Just installed the 7.2 beta. At first sight, the problem appears to have been solved.

After opening the file, the resource manger mentioned a problem with a embedded pdf file (file changed outside). Replaced that file. Scrolling through the document did not crash Publisher.

(Opening the file in the 7.1 program continues to crash when scrolling after opening).

So will continu using the 7.2 beta and let you know if crashes occurs.


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Had one crash with the 7.2 beta…. Seems the embedded pdf is a problem. Deleted and placed the pdf file again. Moving the pdf image was difficult with sluggish response.

So deleted this pdf image and linked a jpg file instead. No crash after opening and scrolling. Hope this stays this way.

It also seems that the "preview" botton on top bar is missing?

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Have had a crah agein in the 7.2 beta. Opening the file, wait 3 secs and start scrolling with a crash as result. No reports available.

Just asking. Do i have to relink all the graphics in the document in the 7.2 beta.

Because i have only relinked (an changed into jpg) the problem pdf insert?

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