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A few things about indexing

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I've been doing some indexing. On the whole, it works quite well. I particularly like the search for topic entries. :27_sunglasses:
However, there have also been a few ambiguities and inconsistencies.

  1. The names of the automatically created text styles are not personalized (unlike the tables of contents).
  2. The generated drawing styles are not part of a group style (unlike the tables of contents).
  3. The text styles for the index are always displayed. For the table of contents, the text styles are only displayed if the text frame is selected.
    This improves the clarity in the panel.
  4. I miss the indexing of proper nouns: Albert Einstein -> Einstein, Albert
  5. I miss the fast indexing by keyboard shortcut (without dialog box).
  6. The option "Extend cross-references" has no effect. Or I don't understand it.
  7. Sometimes a character style called "Index Entry Page Numberase" is created. This style is not referenced (I can remove it with "Delete unused styles").
    What does this mean?
  8. If I create several new themes and want to undo this with Ctrl+Z, the program sometimes crashes.
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1, 2, 3, 4, 5  Feature requests - thanks for the feedback. Could you alos post these in the feedback forum.

6 - You will need to add a topic with more than one cross reference to see the effect.

7 - I think you're referring to the character style Index Entry Page Number - This is used or the page numbers. If the name is as you have typed could you provide a sample file.

8 - This is a known issue - I've added this report to that issue

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