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PDF Export ignores Image Adjustments


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Hi, thomaso. No, I am not more successful with other PDF versions. I also tried PDF/X-3 and PDF (for web). I made a demo file and deleted all the other content and just left the image with the adjustments. The result when exporting is the same (the most obvious is the missing gaussian blur). Attached you find the .afpub file and the resulting PDF when exported as PDF (for web).



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@ criu, both the hsl and curve adjustments are exported, even in your "example.pdf" they occur to me. Just compare before/after side by side.

The used gaussian blur (with "hourglass icon") does not exist as an adjustment in AfDesigner and AfPublisher, and, sorry, I don't have AfPhoto, so I can't really check this layer.

Yes, when I export as PDF the gaussian blur does not appear – but it does appear on export as JPG for instance. It also appears on PDF export if I rasterize the image layer before export. Maybe that gaussian adjustment from AfPhoto can't be used in AfPub natively?

Possibly someone who knows this filter from AfPhoto will post a hint. I remember there was a thread about it in the days after the final release and it sounded to be tricky with correct layer positions. Unfortunately I can't find it in the forums search.
As a workaround you could replace it in AfPub with a gaussian effect (FX).


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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@thomaso Thank you for taking the time and looking into this. And yes, I used AfPhoto to edit the image. I thought that was the whole idea behind StudioLink. I already found the workaround with duplicating the layer and rasterising it, but this is... well... a workaround. I hope they can fix this in future.

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I don't think yet that it is something which needs to get fixed. Maybe you find hints in the help or in a tutorial about the use of such a layer (or adjustment or filter) with "hourglass icon" (which probably has a name by Affinity to search for).

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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