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Copy Text style: [cmd + alt + c // cmd + alt+v]

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In pages there is a shortcut to copy the Font/ Size etc of a section and past it to another one!


(Word does this with a sort of "brush" icon, maybe there also is a shortcut)


And googleDrive has also implemented this in his online Editor.



I just really find this feature incredibly helpful and I´m sure you would think so too! 


This feature would suite Designer very well but would be also useful in the Photo Application.

It would be also absolutely perfect in the coming Publisher Application which I already can't wait to use  B)


Peace out (y) 



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  • Staff

Hi MBd,

Yes, currently this is a little limited, but it will be improved considerably. I believe we will be able to copy/paste text attributes between text frames, but Text Styles are also coming (see our roadmap). It should also be possible to select/search objects by its attributes which may be helpful for text too although i'm not totally sure yet if this last feature applies to text objects or only regular vector objects.

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