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Designer iPad Not saving Publisher Created File in Place

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Hi, Affinity Designer For iPad, at least in my setup, is not saving Publisher created files properly.

If I make a file in Publisher Desktop and save to iCloud>customFolder, then "Open from Cloud" open file in Designer iPad, make a few edits, then save, it will not updated the file in iCloud>customFolder, but will instead write the updates to a new file of the same name in iCloud>Affinity Designer (default icloud app folder)

I discovered this by accident and reproduced the error.

1. Create new multipage file in AfPublisher Desktop

2. Save in iCloud>WHATNOT folder

3. Close

4. “Open from iCloud” in AfDesigner iPad and make some edits across the pages, like this line. Save, close, save. close.

5. File in iCloud>WHATNOT is NOT updated. Went lookin elsewhere.

6. New updated version of the file in iCloud>Affinity Designer folder. Same name, but now has the afdesign extension where it showed no extension on original desktop save.

7. Opened in AfPublisher Desktop and added this test. Save and close.

8.Publisher Desktop did not move or make a new file. The file opened from iCloud>Affinity Designer was saved back to the same folder/ file.

Expected behavior is that step 5 should not happen. Designer iPad was supposed to save in the same location in opened from.

So yeah, this is one of the main ways I want to use Publisher and Designer together. Major bug as far as I'm concerned.

(FWIW. 1st Gen iPad Pro 12.9, latest iOS and latest versions of Affinity Software across the board.  2018 Macbook Pro OS10.14 reproduced the bug. First found the bug with a Publisher file that started on a 10 year old Mac Pro running 10.13.)

Edited by Sonofwitz
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