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Is this available in Designer?

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I have been a user of Adobe products for 20 years, and am testing Affinity products to see if I can replace Adobe with Affinity's graphics and photography software. In testing Designer, I cannot see where there is a feature such as in Illustrator, where presssing Cmd+D will repeat the previous operation, which makes creating things such as a grid or a form very easy. Is there such a thing in Designer?

Thank you,


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Try Cmd+J, or try the Grid & Axis manager.

Cmd+J press Cmd+J, re-position the copy to the desired position and keep pressing Cmd+J.
The copies will be placed exactly where you want them.

This also works when rotating a copy etc.

Grid & Axis manager: View > Grid & Axis Manager. Re

Ready-made grids & create your own.

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