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I decided to have a little fun with what otherwise was a boring photo of a passenger train at a level crossing.

To get this effect in Affinity Photo, I duplicated the photo layer. Then I added the Motion Blur filter to the top layer (Layer > New Live Filter Layer > Blur > Motion Blur). I selected Radius: 72 px, Rotation: 0, Blend Mode: Normal, Opacity: 100%. Preserve Alpha is checked. Next I selected the Erase Brush tool, and erased the blur to reveal the original train photo on the layer below. I played with the size of brush until satisfied. The front is not perfect. Playing with Preserve Alpha checked and unchecked makes a difference, perhaps adding a bit too much blur. It's all subjective, right? Before digital, getting an image like this would require panning at a slow shutter speed to blur the background while keeping the moving subject in focus. Then wait for the film to be developed. Original NRW (RAW) image was made with the Nikon P7000 compact camera.


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you are absolutely correct. In the analog days so many additional steps were required and so many technical skills were needed. Now it’s accomplishable on a tablet computer without the need of environmentally destructive chemicals and trial and error attempts that would be put into trash. 

Your published work looks great. Thanks for sharing the steps that you used to complete this work. Keep it up. 

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