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Publisher How to Import Images at Original Dimensions v1.7.1.404

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Hi - apologies if this has been asked and answered elsewhere but how can I import images (mainly .png, .jpg, and .jpeg) into a new or existing publication 100% true to their original DIMENSIONS (h x w)?

Whenever I drag and drop, paste or use the "place" command images appear at a pre-determined default size - which is absolutely no good for me.

I need to scale the size of images in relation to the physical dimensions they are saved at elsewhere on my PC but they are being scaled to the default size before they appear in my new publication.

Can I change the default size to automatically reflect the image being imported?


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i think what happens is that the images you are importing are not saved at 300 dpi, and publisher loads the image at 300 dpi.


intel core i5,  16GB 128Gb ssd win10 Pro Huion new 1060plus.

philips 272p 2560x1440px on intel HD2500 onboard graphics

Razer Tartarus Chroma

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Thanks Dutchshader. Two follow-up questions -

  1. Is there a way to change the way AffPub automatically imports at 300dpi (I have to work with images given to me by others at various dpi)?
  2. What is the work-around to scale up/down to get the same physical size as original?

Sorry if this seems a bit basic - I know I could increase/reduce dimensions of images (h x w) by simple maths but that assumes (a) I know original size before I import into AffPub and (b) there's a simple way to increase/decrease image by % when in AffPub document. 

I can get original dimensions from file details outside AffPub but that's cumbersome.  Also, I can't see a simple tool within AFFPub for scaling images by a %.

Apologies if I'm missing something obvious or expecting too much!


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1 hour ago, Andyplan said:

I can't see a simple tool within AFFPub for scaling images by a %.

select the image and use the transform panel. You can enter %s just type 50% or 123% in the W and H fields, set the link icon to link;

1086196108_ScreenShot2019-06-24at7_16_30AM.png.bec7ec9cbcb8e6b2e378dc86bff2bbe4.png This is set to change the Width AND the Height to 40%

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.5 | Affinity Photo 2.5.5 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.5 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

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Thanks Old Bruce - I'll give that a try.  I'm also ensuring all my own scans are set at 300dpi and document set-up is 300dpi which seems to ensure those images are imported at 100% original size without any scaling.

I've used PagePlus for many years and can see the benefits and added flexibility of AffPub but the improvements come at a learning curve …  I should have practiced more on the beta version!


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