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Photo - Print Dialogue Fit Type & Turning off Print Management

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I have just switched from Adobe CC and am on something of a learning curve. Two issues have sprung up immediately.

  1. The Fit Type -> Shrink to Printable (or Fit to Printable) does nothing on my Canon iPF-Pro 2000 when printing sheet stock. This is important as one looses a fair amount of paper real estate when using what is ostensibly a roll paper printer and the loss is not even (greatest loss on the tail of the print). Ergo, one would have to fiddle around with setting uneven borders for every print. So, is this a bug, an oops, my misunderstanding or what?
  2. The print driver doesn't seem to shut off Color-Sync when using custom .icc profiles. Now it may be that you simply aren't greying out the Color-Sync radio button and I'm getting something else happening, but it would be nice to know what is the story.

Apart from that I am very much enjoying my new to me Affinity products.



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