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Version Nik Plugins

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I note this morning that at least one Nik plugin has issues in this new version. I am using the Google version of Viveza 2. My OS is 64 bit Windows 10 Pro which is up to date. I have 14GB of memory.

When I open Viveza the color of the image is highly skewed to green. The image is in DNG format. If I export the image to Tiff and open it then again in Affinity then Viveza is again skewed to green.

If I close Affinity and re-open the image I get the same effect with either the DNG or Tiff. Opening a different DNG gives the same result, highly skewed to green. 

Opening a JPG file in Affinity and then the Viveza plugin results in a highly desaturated, near black and white image. 

Repeating the above in Photoshop does not result in the problem. 

I did not notice this effect before today but can't say for sure that I tested it.

Any suggestions?




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