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Light Mode UI for iPad

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I can’t agree more. It is almost impossible for me to see the dark grey tool icons against the black tool bars. Eye strain is taking it’s toll, making this app very difficult to use.

Please, Affinity Support... is anyone listening? This thread is almost two years old!

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  • 5 weeks later...

It’s been more than a year for this request. Light mode is very important. I too fell into the trap thinking there is a light mode and purchased it. Now I’m switching between apps while using Vectornator for most of my work due to this reason. Not cool.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I also add my voice for a light mode it...its absolutely crucial in a design programm to be able to see black assets eg....as with other crucial things missing in AD for ipad like a ruler, import of colour palettes, genuine vector brushes etc...I have to admit that I loved to work with Affinity programmes and even recommended it to other artists...but after a while working with the programme as a kind of power user I wonder if I did the right step to leave Adobe completely...

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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 from me for a light mode. 

The current UI is way too dark. I personally find work in dark modes (on both tablet and desktop) tiring as it takes longer to find tools and go through menus. 

W11, Dell G5, i7, 64GB, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2600, Wacom Intuos Pro M + iPad Pro 2018.

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I replied to an email from Serif about the trial of the PC version of Affinity Photo and I asked about our posts in this forum.  Eventually I got this first response to which I sent the link to this forum:
"Thanks for your email and my apologies that you did no receive a response to your initial email.
It is not possible to change the UI in our iPad apps. Could you please provide a link to your forum post as it is very unusual for a post not to get a response."
After that I got this:

"Posts in the suggestions area of our forum do not usually get official responses, ultimately they are a way for our developers to gauge how popular the suggestions are and the more people that comment increase the likelihood of such a feature being implemented in the future. Hopefully adding a light UI is something they have planned for the future as I do know thr desktop apps offer a light UI."

So I am not hopeful that a light mode UI for the iPad version will ever be an option as it doesn't appear that this area of the forum is even monitored.

Just posting this for everyone's information.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This is precisely why Affinity’s development is ignoring some fundamental customer needs, and why my signature says what it does.

Trying to work in a really bright environment, or outside, with a dark UI on a reflective iPad screen is virtually impossible.

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Words are crude implements, difficult to get perfect, easy to get tied in knots with, and often - usually - misunderstood, which is why 'tolarence' is the best word of all.

The word "professional" fits us all - amateur, semi-pro, beginner, advanced, middle, beyond it all, and on....., because professionals are tolerant.

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57 minutes ago, Powerhorse said:

It helps a lot to use reading glasses when working with Affinity Designer or Photo on iPad.

I do...😎

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Words are crude implements, difficult to get perfect, easy to get tied in knots with, and often - usually - misunderstood, which is why 'tolarence' is the best word of all.

The word "professional" fits us all - amateur, semi-pro, beginner, advanced, middle, beyond it all, and on....., because professionals are tolerant.

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ON another thread someone has confirmed this forum is not referred to in the way we would think. From my own experience, I think they only dip in here when they've launched a newer version, just to get a feel for how it's gone down. Otherwise, they don't methodically review anything here.

tbh, a forum is a crude vehicle for feedback unless closely marshalled. It's also not great for customers who are trying to learn. No one has been able to come up with a 'better way' however, so forums are still the rule.

The ONLY way to get heard is leave a review on the App for prospective buyers to see on the various platforms App Stores... if enough of you do it, they'll sit up. I suggest you all go do that and list all the things that mean you don't recommend the app.

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Words are crude implements, difficult to get perfect, easy to get tied in knots with, and often - usually - misunderstood, which is why 'tolarence' is the best word of all.

The word "professional" fits us all - amateur, semi-pro, beginner, advanced, middle, beyond it all, and on....., because professionals are tolerant.

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in the real world, when I buy a product and it does not work properly, I go and make the seller repair this...unfortunately in the digital world with apps and programmes there is imo no customer service...once the product is sold to customers they are left alone or advised to ask in a forum of users...I have the feeling with Affinity its the same...its a pity as I like the Affinity products....

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 2 months later...

I’d love light mode as well, for both better contrast against my designs and for aesthetic reasons. I’m seriously considering moving to Vectornator on the IPad it has a much better support base and the developers are constantly updating and adding new features. They really listen to their users too. I feel Serif (probably do to their broader eco system) does not focus very heavily or prioritize the development of the affinity suite on IPadOS, hence the slow updates, the lack of users input being heard, and the fact that we still don’t have Affinity Publisher on IPad. Which makes zero sense since so many creatives are using and/or switch to the iPad. 

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  • 4 months later...

Hello all. I am also begging for a light UI for Affinity Designer on Ipad Pro. I ve started to get in touch with alternatives like Vectornator or Aradine. Also graphics is not even bad. I cannot handle the excausting dark mode any more. This is very sad because Affinity Desinger seemed to be more pro even the price promised a well performing app with a big support. So Serif: Hear our prayers! Kick that dark mode to hell!

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I created an account on this forum just to add my voice and agreement. 

PLEASE update the UI so it’s not a struggle to use the app. I really love Designer, but I also own Vectornator and may have to switch to it because I can actually see the interface, even on a 12.9” screen.

More than anything, when researching if there was a way to increase the contrast of the icons to make them visible, I was absolutely dismayed to see that users have been posting about this issue for at least 3 years and yet nothing has been done. Designer users have been posting about how they are older and/or have reduced vision and really struggle to see the UI. This is an accessibility issue, not just a quality of life issue for users. That it’s been requested for at least 3 years now and not fixed makes me feel like Serif is not responsive to its users, and that’s a shame because it’s a great app in almost every other way. 

Serif: Please listen to your users who are struggling to use your app. We don’t just want this change, we NEED it This is not a convenience issue, it’s an actual issue that impacts the usability of your app from the beginning of a session to the end. I’m so disappointed that in several years of being aware of this issue, the dev team has consistently ignored it. As a customer and user, it feels like they just don’t care.

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