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I've created a DIN A4 booklet about 80 pages. Before the last two updates the app works good and fast.

Now when I open my file, the memory and CPU explode and the app or the whole computer works really slow. After a few minutes the CPU works normaly but the Memory is still high used.

Sometimes the tool crashes when loading the file.

Is that a known problem? Any Tips for a short-term solution?

2019-06-13 09_57_08-Windows Task-Manager.jpg

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Hi BenSch,

Welcome to the forums!

We are aware of an issue where large image heavy documents can cause quite heavy memory usage at the moment.

Are most your images embedded or linked?


Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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the problem is still there. I've Updatet to but nothing is better.

Are you planning an update to fix the problem? 

It worked very well before the last two beta updates before public launch


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