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Dear Affinity Forum,

I have opened one image with Affinity and I am able to edit it. But if then I insert on more image over the Button "Place" then I am unable to edit the new image. I checked that I chose the right layer. With the pasted image, I want to clone something with the tool and past it on the first image. I also tested different tools, but it didn´t help.

Can anyone please help me, and tell me, how I can clone something from another image and place it in my image. 

greetings Jens

Edited by Jens Schlegel
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Hi Jens Schlegel,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
That's because placed files are inserted as Image layers (not Pixel layers) - check the label between parenthesis after the layer's name in the Layers panel. Image layers are considered an object. They retain all original image properties but cannot be edited at a pixel level (you can only transform them - scale, rotate, skew etc). To convert them to Pixel layers for pixel operations right-click on them in the Layers panel and select Rasterise. For some operations Affinity Photo will do this automatically for you for others you have to do it manually.

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16 minutes ago, MEB said:

For some operations Affinity Photo will do this automatically for you for others you have to do it manually.

I’d like to see this made more consistent. Where it isn’t done automatically, sometimes a warning pops up and sometimes nothing happens. And when you undo an operation which resulted in the current layer being rasterized or a new pixel layer being added, the automatic step isn’t undone.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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