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PDF Export Quality

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Dear All,


A. Situation

Being new to "Affinity" I am working to use this software instead of the big A package. Quite impressed and pleased by functionality, look & feel.

I often use this workflow

> import .jpg files > modify file > export to .pdf for archivation

Default settings used for export. I am observing that the selection area appears to remain somewhere in the backgrund of the file, causing unwanted small lines in the exported file. A sample is attached.


B. Configuration

OS: Windows 10 x64

Version: 1.7 (appears on 1.6.5 as well)


C. Action

Is the bug in front of the machine (as usual)? Is there any setting to avoid this behavior? Thanks upfront for any support.


Anmerkung 2019-06-10 194743.png

Edited by Joschik
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On 6/28/2019 at 8:09 PM, Joschik said:

Dear Sean, this is not a design file. Actually AFphoto. Please find full instructions and files for this at

Best regards,




Hi Joschik,

Sorry, you had made the post in the Bugs in Designer section of the forum, so I made the assumption you were using Designer. Looking at the other post and your file I can confirm that this isn't an issue with our software, but is in fact down to how Acrobat is displaying the PDF. As you say in your other post that printing is fine and Edge displays it without a problem.

Acrobat is attempting to smooth the edges of layers and this can cause lines where they intersect. If you go into your Acrobat Preferences and switch of 2D Acceleration you can then turn off Smooth Images and Smooth Line Art. See attached screenshots



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