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Feature Request: Isolation mode via option/alt clicking object on artboard

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Hello. New to Affinity Designer after 20–odd years in Illustrator. I'd like to request a way to get into isolation mode without having to go into the layers panel. The obvious (to me) way of doing this would be option/alt-clicking an object on the artboard with the move tool (which currently does nothing) and would mimic option/alt-clicking the thumbnail in the layer panel. Same modifier-click, just on the object itself instead of the object thumbnail in the layer panel. This would speed up my workflow tremendously, and one could be in and out of isolation mode rapidly without taking your eyes and focus off your artwork.

At the very least, if this existed as a menu item: Layer > Isolate we could assign a shortcut to it through preferences.

Thanks and I hope you consider this request :)


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