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Lagging a lot when entering text with Iosevka font

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As the title says, Affinity Designer lags a lot when entering text with font Iosevka (https://github.com/be5invis/Iosevka/releases, latest version). The same lagging also happens when entering text with other variants of Iosevka (tested with Iosevka SS11, Term, Slab and CC)and with Sarasa Mono (https://github.com/be5invis/Sarasa-Gothic/releases), which shares the same monospace letter glyphs with Iosevka.

No such lagging is observed when editing with other fonts, like with the also ligature-rich font Fira Code (sadly, ligatures in both fonts are not usable in AD The Fira Code ones are visible, but the Iosevka ones aren't). Also not observed in other fonts with ".ttc" extension like Noto Serif CJK.


See the attached video for more information. Notice the great lag between the keyboard operation (black bar below) and the letters in that canvas.

Tested with Affinity Designer from Microsoft Store on Windows 10 1903 (20H1 Insiders) Build 18898

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Hi lynzrand,

Sorry for the delay in responding! Is this still an issue for you using 1.7.1? I've just tried this myself using Iosevka SS11 and Sarasa Mono CL (a variety of different weights for both), but have so far been unable to reproduce. I've noticed that it looks like you have at least 4 big artboards so I'm wondering if it could be file specific this slowdown. 

Could you try reproducing this in a new document please? If that is fine, then would you be able to attach the document shown in your video please so we can try and reproduce it with your document.


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