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AP : Sub-panels misbehavior in Develop Persona (1.7.0)

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Let's take an example to illustrate the problem...

I have opened a RAW file and clicked on Exposure in order to adjust it. The sub-panel opens and the checkbox on the left of Exposure is enabled. OK. I made some changes and now I want to fold that sub-panel to make room for other sub-panels. I click again on Exposure. Problem : the Exposure sub-panel is folded but my settings are also disabled at the same time. If I want to keep my settings active, I have to keep the sub-panel open. Same problem with the Effects panel in the Photo Persona [Wrong : actually the sub-panels in the Develop Persona should behave like the Effects panel in the Photo Persona : I can fold it without disabling the settings]. This just doesn't make sense. Once my settings are OK, I don't need to see them all the time. Also, I may want to enable/disable them without making any change.

Bug or is it by design ? In both cases, a fix is needed.


[Using Windows 10 Pro 64-bit with AP 1.7]

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On 6/8/2019 at 1:50 PM, Samoreen said:

Bug or is it by design ? In both cases, a fix is needed.

By design from the looks of it , as the same happens on a Mac.  If you tick Exposure this enables it and it opens up and shows the settings for it.  Unticked, it's disabled and the settings are hidden.

I can see how, having them enabled (ticket) but being able to collapse them would be handy and i can get this moved over to Feature Requests

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> i can get this moved over to Feature Requests

OK. Thanks. This would make this behavior consistent with what happens in the Photo Persona.

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warum Kompassnadeln nach Norden zeigen.

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