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hello to all,
I’m dealing with a big problem...
I bought Affinity Photo in January 2017,
latest installation with update version:

when opening the software, I am told that a free update can be installed
the via the serif site..... not previously notified!

I started the installation from the site, "my account" "download 1.7.0"

disaster: a tab appears: "installation in progress".... then: "failure close"?
does the operation twice, the same result.....

in despair of cause, I completely uninstalled the entire old Affinity program
version and have nothing left...

I have followed the installation guide but this one blocks to failure.....

I don’t know what to do...

Thank you for helping me solve these big problems....
cordially and have a good day.

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Share on other sites is the first very new shiny public release of 1.7.0, so there were no previous notifications - earlier versions before .367 were opt-in beta test versions (see the Beta sub-forums to participate in beta releases).

If you purchased from the Mac App Store or the Microsoft Store, you'll need to download/install from the appropriate online store. Note: store updates can sometimes lag several hours behind the new version being available from Serif.

If you purchased directly from Serif, head to https://store.serif.com/en-gb/account/ (or https://store.serif.com/en-us/account/ if you prefer that particular spelling variation). Login with the same email and password you set up when purchasing. There is a Forgot password? option if you have forgotten your Affinity Store password (note: the store password is different from the password for this forum)

  • Click on Downloads & product keys.
  • Scroll down to your Download button. (Might be a good idea to make a note of your product key while you are there).
  • Download 1.7.0

Technical tip: While some browser and OS combinations allow running an executable installer directly from a download, this is a BAD idea. Always download completely first, then run the the completely downloaded file (usually in your Downloads folder) from the Windows File Explorer (or macOS Finder).

The Windows download for Affinity Photo is a fairly large 351.71 MB - make sure your installer has completely downloaded (I suspect the Mac download will be a similar size, more or less) - this might be between you and your Internet provider if large downloads  do not complete (I'm in a rural area, this once used to be fairly bad, but is much better in recent years). A partially downloaded installer might result in errors when trying to install.

After the download is complete, try restarting your computer before installing. Check your anti-virus is not trying to block the installation (a decade or so ago, there were a couple of brands that were notorious for blocking software installs). I don't know if you need to be online when you are installing, but it wouldn't hurt (in case extra pieces need to be downloaded by the installer).

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