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please consolidate my accounts and refund

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As I posted in possibly the wrong section I re-posting here.

I bought from apple store AP 1.6.7 and updated to v1.7 through the serif site since I had problems with the apple store. I paid @39 for the update, may be I need that refunded?

Furthermore, one of the problems I have and was not aware of it, is that I have two accounts with serif, how can I consolidate them or at least deactivate one so that I will be left with only the right one?



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Hi @srg,

On 6/5/2019 at 7:47 PM, srg said:

I bought from apple store AP 1.6.7 and updated to v1.7 through the serif site since I had problems with the apple store.

You did not need to pay to update, all of our 1.x updates are free. To get yours open the Mac App Store App and go to the Updates page. If the updates are not showing, go to Store > Reload page. This should hopefully force the updates to show.

On 6/5/2019 at 7:47 PM, srg said:

I paid @39 for the update, may be I need that refunded?

To request a refund please contact the team over at affinityreturns@serif.com

On 6/5/2019 at 7:47 PM, srg said:

can I consolidate them or at least deactivate one so that I will be left with only the right one?

Accounts cannot be merged, but we can delete one if that is what you would like us to do. To avoid sharing your email address here, please contact Customer Service (affinity@serif.com) and advise which account you would like us to deactivate.

Any spelling or grammatical errors found in the above post are deliberate and included to boost the self-esteem of those who spot them.

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