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Main viewing screen much dimmer than Navigator screen

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When viewing Raw files with this latest version 1.7 the main screen is very much dimmer than the navigator screen. This was not a problem before the update.

The 32 bit preview seems to be causing the problem in that if you adjust the Gamma and exposure in the 32 bit preview, the main screen brightens to the correct brightness, the navigator screen stays the same. However, this setting is then lost on opening a new file, so you have to do this every time.

I am using windows version 1903, so maybe this could be the problem if other people are not affected, however the previous version was OK with version 1809

Not had time to do further tests but will update with more information when I do.


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It sounds like you have a HDR monitor - what monitor are you using? Windows unfortunately provides different brightness levels for HDR and SDR content, so when viewing 32-bit images on a HDR capable monitor, the brightness levels will differ from the surrounding UI. If you don't need the unbounded 32-bit data, you can develop to 16-bit instead.

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Hi, Mark thanks for the reply, however after some more testing and changing things I decided that the monitor was not the problem as you suggested, especially as it worked with the previous version 1.6, so I carried on trying things and then for some reason I clicked on the page restore down icon, as nothing seemed to work. For clarity the icon in the middle of the total minimise icon (Negative sign) and the cross of the close icon, top right of the screen.

The page did not minimise down to a smaller screen as it should but the CR2 file I had open at the time corrected its self and showed the correct exposure. This was without doing anything else other than having the file loaded, just viewing it.

In disbelief I closed the programme, re-loaded it and pulled in the same CR2 file and it was dark as before, clicking on the restore down icon twice, though again it did not close the screen down as it should but it did correct the dark image. Over to you as to why?

Problem solved but not correct as you will appreciate.

In this new version there appears to be a bug with the restore down icon now in that it is not working properly and causing the problem as indicated. The interesting thing is that a JPG of the same image works perfectly and does not come in dark but again the restore down icon still does not work correctly, but has no effect on the JPG image when clicked. This may help point you to where the problem lies, I hope.

I suspect other people will be having this problem and this is a work around until you can de-bug version 1.7

Kind regards


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