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Crash when copy/pasting an elemengt from AI 1.6

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20 minutes ago, abra100pro said:

When I try to copy all in the doc C5-Couvert mit-Fenster-links.afdesign and place it in AD 1.7 Beta it crashes immediately, all the time.


I can open your file with .14 beta without problem and copy and paste things without problem. Why don't you open your file with 1.7 beta instead of copy from 1.6?

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1 hour ago, abra100pro said:

I have 1.7.12 and cannot update (shows: "you have the newest...") It even happens when I copy/past an element within 1.7.

Download the .14 version here and i think you will be fine. That .12 version have some problems with embedded documents and other things that have been fixed in .14.

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