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I do not know how the rest of users, but I have a problem finding the object that was blocked. It would be a function of marking this object, maybe with a different color and SHOW IT ON LAYERS. Now I need to look for the object, because I can not select it - there is no function to find on layers for blocked objects. Is there some other way?

  • Staff

Hi radek108,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
I'm afraid there's no way to do this currently other than checking the Layers panel as you have been done. Currently right-clicking the object and selecting Find in Layers Panel doesn't work for locked objects. I will pass this to the dev team.


Not ideal, but you can use shift-click to select everything in the Layers panel, then unlock them all, then select it on the canvas and use Find in Layers Panel. Once you know where it is, you can use Undo to restore the locks.

10 hours ago, radek108 said:


There are a few icons within the layer panel guiding to kind of hidden or apparently not accessible objects:


– blocked by lock:  530565419_layer-blockedbylock.jpg.3597701fa4be2b538b4fdc5b8431d6f5.jpg


– blocked by group: 751863248_layer-blockedbygroup1.jpg.4a5c1e0df61bfe798f70af4a8a4134ec.jpg1720230551_layer-blockedbygroup2.jpg.db4716cbb4e788ca2d1534055cfe3f9d.jpg


– blocked by mask: 1637941503_layer-blockedbymask.jpg.a7c567567f2bef0245cb73ba97db4d6b.jpg

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1


Thank you all for your answers and suggestions.

"I'm afraid there's no way to do this currently other than checking the Layers panel as you have been done. Currently right-clicking the object and selecting Find in Layers Panel doesn't work for locked objects. I will pass this to the dev team."

That's what I was asking about in my question.

I think that the topic is connected with independent layers - each large work will have a large number of layers, so searching for the blocked one is a big waste of time.

I wish you good luck and perseverance to our dev team

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