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The transform controls could need some improvements while making a mirror macro

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Been trying to make a decent macro for flipping and mirroring only the selected layers in a project. While I've managed to make it mirror, the problem happens when you want your image to match the canvas that you're working on. Basically, the settings in the Transform window (see image below) doesn't account for canvas size and proportions, so using mirror macro doesn't match the canvas unless you manually adjust it with the Offset values, which are also quite limiting since the slider only goes up to 1000px (have to type in the value instead). Only way I can make this macro more automatic is if the developers add a slider that takes into account the size of the canvas by offsetting the transformation 50/50 of the canvas size to get a perfect mirror, while allowing you to change that 50/50 value by using the slider with a value of 1 to 100%.


Alternatively, you could make more advanced mirroring tools that follow the symmetry lines based on the brand new symmetry feature that's shipping with 1.7. Also an option to flip only selected layers instead of the whole canvas would be nice. :)

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