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Although the default behaviour is often preferable, it would be useful to have an option similar to Use Preview Bounds setting in Illustrator so that objects with different stroke positions ( inside, centre, outside ) would align and distribute themselves properly ( see attached ). The Use Preview Bounds setting in Illustrator CS5 is global -  it would perhaps be even more useful if we coud set this for individual objects via a checkbox in the context toolbar. I apologize if this functionality is already available and I've missed it.



hmm... I tried that in AD beta and align happens like in your image. Would be useful to have an option to align to object bounds (outer edge), too.

23 hours ago, Fixx said:

hmm... I tried that in AD beta and align happens like in your image. Would be useful to have an option to align to object bounds (outer edge), too.

I think what @razorpig means is that the strokes are ignored when aligning objects. No matter if they are inside, centered or outside objects always align on the curve itself, also if the strokes makes the object 'bigger'.

It would be welcome to have a setting (perhaps per curve?) to align to the 'real' outer bounds of the shape if the border makes it bigger.



@Fixx & @Friskel You're both right. In Illustrator (CS5) this setting is hidden away under Preferences and is labelled "Use Preview Bounds" ( see attachments ). In Illustrator it's a global setting and applies to all objects - as you suggest Friskel, it would be great to have the option to set this individually for each curve or shape.





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