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I am creating the letter F by connecting the two nodes in the red circle to create a single path that I want to expand from a stroke to a shape and export to FontForge.


After trying everything on the list below, ‘join’ continues to connect the two other end nodes in the green circle that I don’t want to connect.


Things I have tried:

  1. Select both nodes in the red circle and ‘join’ and 'close'

  2. Select both nodes in the red circle hold shift and drag until both nodes turn yellow

  3. Enable ‘snap to selected nodes’ then select both nodes in the red circle and ‘join’

  4. ‘Join’ both nodes in the green circle, select again and ‘break’



Edited by Megstar
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  • Staff

Hi Megstar,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
You can only join the end nodes of paths, NOT nodes connecting to others in the middle of a path, so there's no way to create an F as a single path entity. You can however place the lower horizontal line of the F where you want, expand both paths separately then join the resulting (expanded) shapes through an Add boolean operation.

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