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Clunky inconsistent brush behavior

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Just gave up photoshop and purchased affinity photo & designer.

But when I went to work on an illustration I'm encountering. 

  • Flickering black screen
  • Brush paint under previous brush strokes, in the image attached the yellow wound up being painted beneath the black, no idea why.
  • Jagged outlines around the brush strokes.

I have a wacom mobilepro 16, drivers are updated. So is the OS. So far this is not a good experience. Hope there's a fix? Or an explanation?

Thank you


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  • Staff

Hi dlm and Welcome to the Forums,

I was able to replicate these issues using the release build on our Mobile Studio Pro 16.  What brush settings do you have applied, a screenshot showing the brush toolbar along the top may help :) 

Could you try this in the latest beta from here it's had a number of performance improvements made over all and would be interesting to see if you are still having issues. 


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Hello, just downloaded the beta. I was using the three basic brushes (.abr) front ctrlpaint.com. Then I switched to the brushes that came w/Affinity Photo. I still get the flickering black screen. 
Thank  you 


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Thank  you, it looks that with the beta version I no longer get the flickering effect, and whoa! Much better with the brushes!

When will it be officially released for download?



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