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Status: Public Beta
Purpose: Stability and General Testing
Requirements: Mac OS 10.9 or above


We are pleased to announce that Affinity Publisher build 305 is now available as a manual download from the link above and on auto-update. To be notified when there is a new beta please press follow on this announcement thread.

As this is a beta it is considered to be not suitable for production use. This means that you should not attempt to use it for commercial purposes or for any other activity where you may be adversely affected by the application failing, including the total loss of any documents. 

We hope you enjoy the product, and as always, if you've got any problems installing or running up, please don't hesitate to post in this thread. 

Any problems actually using this version please make a new topic in this forum and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Please feel free to leave general suggestions and comments in the Discussion Forum

Many thanks for your continued feedback.


New Features

Pinned Objects for Text
It is now possible to 'pin' objects to a specific location in the text flow. As text is edited and reflows, the object travels with its pin.
To access this feature you can use the 'Float with Text' or 'Inline with Text' buttons on the main toolbar. Further control of the object's placement is available via the 'Pinning Panel' (View > Studio > Pinning)

DocX Import
DocX is now offered as an option for import wherever txt and rtf were previously available (for example File > Place). It is chiefly designed with import of text content in mind. 

Due to the wide variety of docx documents out there we will inevitably encounter issues and indeed there are features we won't initially support, for example:

- DrawingML 
- Fields
- Footnotes and Endnotes
- Multi-page tables

If you have docx documents that are failing to import we would encourage you to share them with us if possible.

Updates and Fixes

(Win) Fixes for Thumbnail Handler
(Win) Fixed document grid for documents not in pixels

Studio and Panels
Allow navigating master pages with page buttons
Fixes for master layers and masks
Fix for 'Add swatch from Fill as Global' not always working
(Mac) Fixed possible crash on closing documents
(Mac) Preferences, Auto-Correct section layout issue
(Mac) Fixed dragging selection into Assets Panel
(Win) Fix for crash if Paragraph panel undocked in non English and Display DPI is scaled
(Win) Fix for crash on Reset Studio with no document open.
(Win) Fix for Fields panel not updating on document change
(Win) Fixed grid colours not being saved correctly

Import / Export
Can't change page for certain PDFs when specifying 'TrimBox'
Importing an RTF can cause app hang if RTF is invalid
Better handling when closing documents

Resources / Resource Manager
Resource Manager reports images as Document Colour Space
Fix for Replace Document always converting to Embedded

Text / Tables
Fixed 'Find' based on Format only
Spell check on double page spread master page appears on 'empty' page space
Fixes for Style Attributes that reference other Styles not updating correctly, e.g. Drop Caps, Initial Words
Allow toggle overflow on frames from master pages
Table selection fixes in instances where table has been scaled
Table row / column header fixes in instances where table has been scaled
Fixed crash attempting to apply a Table Format to a text frame
Removed auto-convert Picture Frame to Text Frame. Explicit conversion is still available.
Numbers highlighted as spelling errors when language set to German
(Win) Changed precise increase / decrease leading shortcuts as they interfere with text navigation
(Win) Character Variants failing to show up in Typography panel


Earlier Release Notes Beta 293


I've been waiting for the 'Pinned Objects for Text' functionality to be implemented before getting stuck in and doing some really indepth testing as I use this feature every day with Indesign.

So, you're now just a couple of steps short of replacing Indesign for me!

Good work chaps/chapesses - thanks for listening to the feedback! :)

2 hours ago, AdamW said:

Due to the wide variety of docx documents out there we will inevitably encounter issues and indeed there are features we won't initially support, for example:
- Multi-page tables

Pinned objects doesn't support these either. That is, we make no attempt to split tables that are too big for their frame. This will be addressed one day but probably not for 1.7.


1 hour ago, Jens Krebs said:

I could kiss you (but I won't) for this!

Personally, I think you should try. You may regret for not doing it later. :17_heart_eyes:

2017 27” iMac 4.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 • Radeon Pr 580 8GB • 64GB • Ventura 13.6.4.

iPad Pro (10.5-inch) • 256GB • Version 16.4


YES. Also: this.

I'll definitely be using Publisher for most (if not all) of my projects as soon as it comes out of beta. Bring on the multi-line composer with hyphenation fine-tuning controls, and I'll be using it for typesetting entire books, too.


Initial response:   Ugh, another Beta

Second response:  One step closer to final release!

Your other programs are so fantastic and stable. I expect it took a tremendous amount of this type of work to get them this way. Thank you for your hard work.

I am really liking the responsiveness and interface of Publisher. The last project I did came out great. I am dying to replace all my old stuff with it.




Mac Pro Cheese-grater (Early 2009) 2.93 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon 48 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 ECC Ram, Sapphire Pulse Radeon RX 580 8GB GDDR5, Ugee 19" Graphics Tablet Monitor Triple boot via OCLP 1.4.3 - Mac OS Monterey 12.7.3, Sonoma 14.1.1 and Mojave 10.14.6

Affinity Publisher, Designer and Photo 1.10.5 - 2.4.0 Betas 2.5.0(2430)







On 4/26/2019 at 12:19 PM, Jens Krebs said:

Chapters and Chapteresseses.

"Chapettes" — to be included in the next version of Websters. Formerly "Chaptress."

My BOOK (created with Publisher, Designer & Photo):
Clearing a Path to Joy (And finding contentment along the way)

My WEBSITE (also developed using Affinity apps):
www.RolandK.ca — "Relentless adventures in self-expression"

[Power Mac & Intel PC (HighSierra/Monterey/Win 10]


On 4/26/2019 at 3:58 PM, JGD said:

Bring on the multi-line composer with hyphenation fine-tuning controls, and I'll be using it for typesetting entire books, too.

Yes, a multi-line composer is one of the things that I am most looking for before switching to Publisher for our professional needs (but I will adopt sooner for personal needs). We have justification in nearly everything we publish, and a multi-line composer has direct impact on justification quality, especially in narrower columns and where nonbreaking spaces are necessary, such as in our subject matter.

For testing new betas, I keep updating a Publisher document that mirrors a kind of InDesign document that we print every other month. For that document, a multi-line composer is the last missing piece, as the text can be pretty gappy.

However, there doesn’t seem to be much community interest expressed so far. Might I recommend to you and to any others who are interested to leave some feedback in a thread requesting that feature, so that Serif can gage community interest? For example:


On 4/26/2019 at 1:58 PM, JGD said:

YES. Also: this.

I'll definitely be using Publisher for most (if not all) of my projects as soon as it comes out of beta. Bring on the multi-line composer with hyphenation fine-tuning controls, and I'll be using it for typesetting entire books, too.

And the ability to Span Columns!


Brilliant! I’m so impressed with Publisher already, but pinning is the feature I‘ve been really hoping to see. And it‘s fantastic to be able to watch the development of what will be a great application! 

(And you fixed the zooming problem, which will make a huge difference!)


Glad to hear about the inline graphics... I'll now be able to make real use of Publisher from the start. From my perspective, it is now ready to ship (bugs and other such issues aside)

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