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Text wrap: Tiny rectangles are obstacles ... lines are NOT

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Title of this topic sounds funny, but it isn't at all. Maybe not a bug, but a flaw in design. Stumbled upon this yesterday. Most of my documents contain technical drawings with lines or arrows to show measures in the outer area of the drawing. First objects in the drawing could be a simple line in the upper right corner with no elements left of it or a small empty distance below. Making text wrap around these drawings give you more work than needed.

Step 1: I group legends and drawing.

Step 2: I give the group the text wrap options and place the group inside text.

Expectation: Since the group is a "box" with coordinates, width and height one would expect, that the text wrap would be around the "box".

Result: Only polygonal objects / text boxes but NOT lines are respected in the text wrap.

Extra work: Create an object with the same size and coordinates as the "box" and give it text wrap options or edit the text wrap outline of any object inside the "box".

In the attached image you can see that only the tiny rectangle is the obstacle for text wrap.


Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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