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High. Apologies if this is just my ignorance. As never worked with publishing sw before and even Blurb confuses me. But loaded to Affinity Publisher a Blurb .pdf of my book to try and take control. What seemed to happen was when opening on Affinity the images seemed great, but all the text had a duplication of the same text over it. Then when I went into text and deleted the duplication the original text underneath was good. Now this might be an intentional Blurb thing. Also cannot work out how to edit the text; assuming perhaps it is an image and not actual text?? Thanks. Hopefully useful and not just a distraction.

high res Venice blurb.pdf

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You can edit the text of course, but you have to do formatting again. Never saw this before. This software converts the text into curves but leaves an invisible copy of the text as well. You can simply turn off the "curved" text and work with the text layers.

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Staff

Hi both,

Sorry for the delayed reply. 

We think we know what's happening. The attached PDF has got some hidden text frames and all the text as curves - perhaps for screen reader apps so they can read out the text. When we import it, we unhide the text in the text frames, and it appears as a duplicate. The exact same thing happens in Adobe Acrobat if you select the text frame and try to change any parameters of the(hidden) text. 



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