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Good afternoon again,

I would like to know the best working process for this thing. I'm working on catalog for outdoor equipment and I want to be as accurate as possible. I really love using of column guides. But how to combine them with grid? I'll show my question.

I have products, which I want to put to the grid - to have same spaces between them, or similar sizes of this blocks. I have grid of column guides - 6 cols and 4 rows. And I would like to put each product and its description inside this cell always with the same space around (something like margin) and even in description I would like to have the same paddings between text blocks. 

Now, only what I know is, to make big amount of guides or to make some guide from color blocks, what you can see down.

So questions.

  1. Is there some better and easier way how to do that? For example set gutters only on x axis.
  2. Is it possible to set the grid to be exactly as the column guides?
  3. Is it possible to coloring somehow the guide lines or split them to groups for better recognition?

Thanks a lot!



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Hi Hud1ai2,

Are you currently using Designer for this?  Just you may find this process easier in Publisher, as you can set gutters on text boxes in Publisher.  The answer to the other 3 questions is a no at this stage but i'd suggest giving this a go in the Publisher Beta as you've got much more control over the text frames and gutters.

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