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Is this normal behavior in Photo 1.6.7 when Beta in same computer?

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Ever since I installed Photo Beta (MacOS Mojave), when I tried to use Photo 1.6.7, I can't open a raw file, whether it is a Canon or Olympus raw,  it appears to depend on what lens I use for my photo.  I get a single image showing double if I shot it with a particular Olympus lens not all, but quadruple if I shot it with the Venus Laowa.  If I click develop, I still see the very same, double in a single image. Beta works fine though, but for some projects, I'm not yet comfortable using it.  This started happening when I downloaded beta.  I had no problem with 1.6.7 before then.

Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at 7.32.44 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at 1.10.18 PM.png

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Hi @Silvia,

It might be just a coincidence. 1.6 and 1.7 are different apps and do not share any files/settings. Technically it would be the impossible one breaking the other. Just to double check, try this: 

Close Photo . Open Finder. Go > Go to Folder > ~/Library/Containers/com.seriflabs.affinityphoto/Data/Library/Application Support/ and rename user to user.backup. Reopen Photo.



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Thanks Gabe.  Someone in an FB forum suggested two days ago that I change my settings from using Apple RAW to Serif as explained on the thread below, and it seems to be working for now.  Very strange because it affected pics with taken with certain lenses only.  I’ll keep your suggestion in mind in case it happens again.


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