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Hi dear affinity team, first of all wanna thank you for amazing product, which changed my entire workflow, you are the best!  (I was a fan of ps more than 15 years, now i dont even have ps installed)

Saw a lot of features asking from a users, and im ready to ask something what could allow designers to transfer their works to a coders/templaters/developers. Not only to send source files, but also to allow the coders to webpreview css styles fonts and grab some marked elements as it works on xd,zeplin, invision,figma, and a lot of software like this. For sure i understand your target as a graphic designers , but with a time graphic slicing and exporting transfered mostly in web interfaces to easier connect with further team, even adobe attached some plugins and own xd software for this, doing this you will make our life much better with production, not only design. Theee is a big distance between designers tools and software like xd,sketch,etc, and there is nothing what fills this distance and mix features, hopefuly you could take this place, on a market.

Thanks lot, hopefuly will be heared. Sorry for a bad english;)

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