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have some macro steps reorder problem i Win 284 beta:

Here is macro (an old one which I reuse on every new version):


so it's denoise-clarity-high pass order and after running I have:



completely reversed 

now there is another problem: none of the nested filters can't be moved to a first position (directly below Pixel layer) with a mouse, I can move filters down or up as long as it is not top most position.

moving and dropping on to a Pixel layer itself always put everything on a last position in chain

finally tried to make a new macro in this beta version - also had to take steps reversed - first add high pass, then clarity and denoise to have them in proper order






Live Filter Layers and Adjustments( when added as child layers) are now added to the layers panel in the opposite order than in the release version

Not sure if this was intentional but to me it looks more logical now.

Any Macro you run will  just following this new convention, so not a Macro problem as such


55 minutes ago, krbo said:

now there is another problem: none of the nested filters can't be moved to a first position (directly below Pixel layer) with a mouse, I can move filters down or up as long as it is not top most position.

They can be moved but seems a lot more precision is needed now.  (If you change the layer thumbnails from small to medium, it gets a lot easier to move them)

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