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I've already mentioned this long ago, but it's still bugged.

I've got 3 paragraphs and 3 text styles,  each one 's got a "next style" set (x > y > z). When I select few paragraphs and use the option "Apply style_x and next styles", the first paragraph should be applied style_x, the second one style_y and the third style_z. Visually, it's ok (1st paragraph looks like style_x, 2nd one looks like style_y and 3rd one looks like style_z).

But in fact, the when I select each one of the 3 paragraphs, the Text style panel only shows style_x applied.

It's more than a visual error, since APub thinks only the 1st style is applied.





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Hi Wosven,

It seems to be applying the base style and then the "next" styles as local formatting ontop of that style. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not but I've logged it for the developers to consider.


Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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Thanks @Jon P

I don't see anything usefull in this since usually we want a way to apply faster styles, but be able later to modify some of them without having everything being modified, or to be able to search and relace them if needed, etc.

The only usefull thing with local formating, is when I need to gain lines and I'll delete the line break between a header and the following text, and I want the text to stay with its style. But I do my best to avoid this :)



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  • 2 months later...

@Wosven, indeed, Next Style works different than expected, they appear to be not kind of global at first. But they work: the trick is simple:

After you have changed style properties then you "just" re-assign the mother style again to your selected text(frames) with the known "Apply style_x and next styles".

That means, these Next Styles get assigned to the text indeed – but they "just" don't get linked. So they do work to format text. Punkt.
But that also means, Next styles are no good for many single objects spread on several pages – but perfect for linked text frames with a lot of text.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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  • 2 weeks later...

Perfect! It's working as expected. Now we just need a shortcut (=> For (re)applying first paragraph style and next style to selected paragraphs: we only need to apply the 1st para style this way) or on Windows, some alternate shortcut keys :)


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